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Lif3 Trade Overview
Welcome to Lif3 Trade. In this article we will be coveri...
Trade Tab - Overview
In this series of articles we will talk about the differen...
Trade Tab - Switching Charts
Once you are in the Lif3 Trade Trade Tab you can click on ...
Trade Tab - Standard & Trading View charts
Lif3 Trade has integrated Trading View (TV) charts besides...
Trade Tab - Long, Short & Swap
On this part of the Trade Tab you will find where you can ...
Trade Tab - Order Types
On Lif3 Trade you got three different ways of interacting ...
Trading Tab - Leverage Slider
The leverage slider is a tool that allows you to decide ho...
Trading Tab - Data & Fees
Below the leverage slider you will find two important boxe...
Trading Tab - Positions, Orders, Trades
Under the charts you will find your "Positions" tab. Wh...
Liquidity Tab - Overview
The Liquidity tab on Lif3 Trade covers supplying LLPs to a...
Liquidity Tab - LLP Window
On the LLP window in the Liquidity Tab, you can view your ...
Liquidity Tab - Supply and Redeem
To supply to the LLP, you can deposit any one of the asset...
Liquidity Tab - Asset, Availability, Fees
On the Liquidity tab of Lif3 Trade, you can view the asset...
Earn Tab - Overview
In the Earn tab on Lif3 Trade, you can view everything you...
Earn Tab - $LIF3 Window
The $LIF3 window covers all the $LIF3 staking on Lif3 Trad...
Earn Tab - Total Rewards
The Total Rewards window covers all your earned rewards on...
Earn Tab - Compound
At the bottom of the Total Rewards window, there is a butt...
Earn Tab - $LLP Window
The $LLP window covers all the $LLP staking on Lif3 Trade....
Earn Tab - $esLIF3 Window
The Escrowed Lif3 ($esLIF3) window covers all the $esLIF3 ...
Earn Tab - Vesting Section
The LIF3 Vesting section covers vesting on Lif3 Trade to e...
Buy Tab - Overview
The Buy tab on Lif3 Trade will direct you on how to buy $L...
Buy Tab - $LIF3
You can buy $LIF3 on: Swap BitMart Exchange Cli...
Buy Tab - $LLP
This video covers how you can deposit assets in the LLP. C...
Stats Page - Overview
The Stats page displays the analytics for Lif3 Trade. Tabs...
Stats Page - Analytics Page
At the top of the Stats page are some of the big metrics o...
Dashboard - Overview
The Dashboard tab on Lif3 Trade displays an overview and s...
Dashboard - Stats
In the Dashboard tab on Lif3 Trade, the Overview covers th...
Dashboard - Distribution
The middle sections of the Dashboard tab show windows for ...
Dashboard - Weights and Utilization
The bottom section of the Dashboard tab displays all the a...
Referrals - Overview
On the Referrals tab of Lif3 Trade, you can see an overvie...