What is $esLIF3?
Escrowed LIF3 ($esLIF3) is an incentive for liquidity providers (LLP) and $LIF3 stakers in Lif3 Trade. It's not a liquid token you can trade, but here is where things get interesting. With $esLIF3, you have two options:
- Stake $esLIF3 on Lif3 Trade to earn rewards.
- Vest $esLIF3 on Lif3 Trade to make it liquid $LIF3, which you can use for whatever you want.
Each staked $esLIF3 token will earn the same amount of $esLIF3 and $FTM rewards as a regular $LIF3 token.
- $FTM fees from the platform
- Escrowed LIF3 ($esLIF3)
- Multiplier points
Multiplier points can be staked for fee rewards by pressing the "Compound" button on the Earn page. Each multiplier point will boost $FTM APRs at the same rate as a regular $LIF3 token.
Click on this Article to learn how to earn by vesting $esLIF3
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